Also coming out of the 2008 Toy Fair are pictures of Wave 3 and Wave 4 of the very popular line of Star Wars Mighty Muggs. As a follow up to the concept sketches The Blot
posted last month, we now have pictures of the finalized figures of the characters in Wave 3 (Lando Calrissian, Jango Fett, Commander Cody & Princess Leia) and Wave 4 (Yoda, Emperor Palpatine, General Grievous & Luke Skywalker).
How great does the Lando Mighty Mugg look with his flowing cape!?! I can't wait to be picking up one of these bad boys at my local Target or Urban Outfitters. Wave 3 will be available in May, 2008 and Wave 4 will be available in June, 2008.

To see pictures of other Mighty Muggs unveiled at the 2008 Toy Fair click
here for Indiana Jones Mighty Muggs and
here for Marvel Legends Mighty Muggs!